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History of Christian rehabilitation for alcohol and drug addicts.

The roots of the problem of drug and alcohol abuse.

The problem of alcoholism and drug addiction has probably been around ever since people discovered and tried drugs and alcohol and for some it was apparently a fatal mistake. We can read about this in the Bible, "And do not get drunk with wine, from which there is debauchery, but be filled with the Spirit..." Ephesians 5:18. But let's not focus our attention on the problem itself, a lot has already been said about it, but let's move on to the method of combating it. In our case that would be Christian rehabilitation.

"Christian rehabilitation for drug and alcohol addicts is a method of treating drug addiction that is becoming increasingly popular around the world. However, the concept of Christian addiction treatment is not new at all, but rather a practice that dates back to the colonization of the United States.

The first example of recovery through the Christian faith was observed as early as the 1700s, when Christian missionaries began urging Native American tribes to give up alcohol and come to faith in God. By the late 1700s Christianity as a tool in the fight against alcoholism was found in the medical doctrine of the time, and in the following century organizations such as the Salvation Army began to establish colonies and homes to house recovering addicts in the spirit of Christian rescue work.

In the early 1900s, the first medical facilities specifically designed to treat disorders such as alcoholism were opened, using Christianity in their practice. This spawned secular psychologists of the time to write and even adopt techniques used in Christian rehabilitation programs. Alcoholics Anonymous was established in the 1930s, at the same time various lesser-known support groups and fellowships, of Christian and spiritual origin, emerged. In the 1950s, grassroots movements and organizations, usually started in churches, became a more localized, urban way of dealing with substance abuse problems.

From the 1970s through the 1990s, Christian addiction communities continued to expand, increasing as recovering addicts joined the movement. A new standard of awareness about how to approach addiction reached Christian communities in the late 20th century as modern models of intervention and the face of addiction in various subcultures."

( source http://authenticchristian.com/history-of-christian-rehab )

Christian organization "The Salvation Army. 

When William and Catherine Booth began the work in London that was to grow to become the Salvation Army, few could have predicted their future: an organization and part of a Christian church now active in more than 130 countries and with a history spanning more than 150 years. In that time millions of members have been gathered and people have been helped around the world-but the movement had humble beginnings.

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William Booth preaches at a meeting

Уильям Бут родился в 1829 году в Ноттингеме, Великобритания. Он нашел свою христианскую веру в раннем возрасте и стал активным методистом, проповедуя и помогая бедным в своем регионе. Через некоторое время, работая ломбардом, он переехал со своей женой Кэтрин Мамфорд на восток Лондона. Они начали работать с группой христианских бизнесменов, которые заботились о бедных и обездоленных в своей общине. В июне 1865 года Уильям Бут проповедовал толпам за пределами паба «Слепой нищий»; родилась новая организация «Христианская миссия».

В течение следующих нескольких лет движение процветало. Его фокус был на обучении людей посланию Иисуса. Они встречались там, где они могли — в танцевальных залах, боулингах и на открытом воздухе. Это привело к тому, что многие люди стали христианами. Несмотря на противодействие со стороны части общества, которая не любила некоторые методы и стиль Бута, многие присоединились к нему.

In 1878 the Christian mission received its present name "Salvation Army," and with it the inspired metaphor of its role in combating the injustices of society and in bringing people closer to an understanding of God. Over time the organization received military-style titles (ministers are "officers," for example) and even uniforms designed to publicly demonstrate commitment to God.

"Soup, soap, and salvation" was a common saying among the early Saviors and is still repeated today. It speaks to the importance of practical and spiritual support. Soup kitchens and showers were offered along with sermons and worship services.

In the 1880s new kinds of social work began. In 1883 a home for prisoners returning to society was opened in Melbourne, Australia. The following year a women's rescue home was opened in London. In 1890, the first labor exchange was opened to help people find work.

Rescue homes, vocational training and cooperatives were offered, as well as donations from the wealthiest people in the community.

реабилитационный центр для зависимых
Meeting Rehabilitants at a Worship Service at Salvation Army

The first Salvation Army hospital was founded in 1897 in Nagercoil, India - today there are dozens of hospitals around the world, as well as thousands of schools, health projects, sanitation programs and other social services. The motivation remains the same: a love for God's people and a desire to put our beliefs into action.

( source https://story.salvationarmy.org)

Rehabilitation Center “Teen Challenge”.

It was the evening of February 28, 1958. A highly publicized murder trial was taking place in a New York courtroom, watched by all of America and awaiting the verdict.

David Wilkerson, a 26-year-old Pentecostal preacher from Pennsylvania, made the eight-hour trip from his quiet mountain village to downtown Manhattan for the simple reason of talking to the seven accused gang members about God's love and their salvation. At the end of the trial, he rushed to the courtroom and asked the judge for permission to meet the teenage defendants. The news media remained live as Wilkerson unwittingly made himself the source of the news headlines. The judge denied the request. He received death threats during the trial and almost arrested Wilkerson as the alleged assailant. He ordered Wilkerson never to return to the courtroom.

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Young Preacher David Wilkerson

The rejection inspired Wilkerson to move to New York City, where he began a street ministry for drug addicts and gang members. In the years and months that followed, Wilkerson became the author of the best-selling book Cross and Knife and founded Teen Challenge, a religious drug rehabilitation program for troubled youth and adults in the United States. In 1995 Teen Challenge expanded its reach around the world.

Read online book David Wilkerson's Cross and Knife.

( source https://www.globaltc.org/our-history

The Problem of Drug Addiction in Russia.

In the 1990s, the drug addiction problem in Russia reached colossal proportions, with millions of teenagers and young people involved in heroin addiction. From which thousands died of overdoses, AIDS and other related diseases. An unprecedented growth of private fee-based clinics began. 

The Christian church has also responded to this global need. In our church we began by welcoming these people into our homes. Yes, it was risky, and of course there were many times we were robbed, but the desire to help these people outweighed our fear and our resources. 

This is how the first drug addicts were released. Subsequently, many of these guys became volunteers themselves and are happy to share their experiences with those who are taking their first steps toward salvation. Opportunities began to arise to rent special rooms and homes for this ministry. Thus the movement has spread greatly because of the good results and the large number of people who have been freed from addiction. 

Христинаский реабилитационный центр
Rescued drug addicts

If today you are still looking for a way to salvation, know that there are those who have passed on to be set free. And are living life to the fullest today.